Bathmate, Hydro7 Hercules, Penis Pump - Amorana



CHF 114,90
CHF 129,90
CHF 114,90
in stock


You want to increase your performance during sex and simultaneously increase penis size and your self-confidence? Then we have just the right thing for you! You can achieve this in the shortest amount of time with the unique technology of the Hydromax Hercules from bathmate. The Hercules is not a conventional penis pump, because this penis pump, which is based solely on water, is 250% more effective than normal penis pumps that work with air. You can simply use the Hercules under the shower or in the bathtub and you will achieve impressive erections. How does this work? The blood vessels in the erectile tissue of your penis are pumped up to a maximum so that more blood can flow through and a hard erection is created. And the best thing about the Hercules - with regular usage, it acts like a workout for stronger erectile tissue and you will not only be able to increase the size of your pride and joy in the short run, but rather permanently. If you have medical problems such as diabetes, heart failure, multiple sclerosis, or epilepsy, we recommend that you consult your doctor before using a penis pump. You should also read the user's manual before use. Length: 396mm Width: 84mm
