Dear-Natura Style Liver Extract x Ornithine + Amino Acid (20 days) 60 tablets



6,91 €
4,10 €
11,01 €
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YesStyle UK


Contains 600 mg of liver extract.Ornithine equivalent to 270 shijimi clams* is contained.The ornithine contained in one shijimi clam is converted to 0.44mg.Easy-to-understand illustrations for even beginners of supplements.The product is designed to be perceived as a product for oneself, and to arouse interest and purchase.No additives (flavoring, coloring, or preservatives), so you can feel safe every day.Integrated management system at our own factory in Japan.How to use:You can easily take 3 capsules a day.. Ingredient: [Ingredients] Liver extract: 600 mg, ornithine: 120 mg, arginine: 10 mg, citrulline: 10 mg, zinc: 8.8 mg, vitamin B2: 1.4 mg, selenium: 28 g